Giving Back
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." – Winston Churchill
Each Sale Benefits Children In Need
We Are Committed to Giving Back
At Pramglam, we believe in keeping what we love in sight. We also believe in giving back and helping those in need. When the idea for Pramglam was first born, we knew early on that we wanted charity to be one of the founding pillars of the company. So, from our very first sale, we committed to incorporating a way to give back.
What exactly does this mean?
We are committed to donating 10% of all our profits to a charitable organization. This means every purchase of the Looky Lou Stroller Mirror not only benefits you and your child - but other children and families too! Our donations are made quarterly. While the organization will change periodically, we are focused on organizations that specifically help children and families with small children in need. Why this cause? Well, we’ve heard it said that heartbreak delivers your purpose and when something breaks your heart, that is where you are called to help. Honestly, there is nothing that breaks our hearts quite as much as the thought of a sick or hurting child, and our hearts ache for the parents of these children. So, quite simply, this is where we feel called to help. However, the most well-known charities are not always the best-run charities. Therefore, we are also committed to selecting charities that are most effective at giving to those who need it most.
Now Serving
Over the past year, we’ve been proud to support our local Children’s Hospital in Dayton, Ohio with quarterly donations. Why this charity? To begin, having our headquarters in Dayton, the hospital is close to our hearts – and close geographically. Donations to the Dayton Children’s Hospital have helped provide life-saving and life-changing medical care to children in the Dayton community and beyond.
Commencing in October of 2023, we are excited to begin supporting March of Dimes through a donation of 10% of all company profits made from sales of the Looky Lou. The March of Dimes is on a mission to lead the fight for the health of all moms and babies. Their big 3 goals are to end the preventable maternal health risks and deaths, end preventable preterm birth and infant death, and close the health equity gap. You can learn more about the March of Dimes and all the ways they are helping moms and children HERE.
Next Up
Moving forward, please check this page regularly to learn more about the impact your purchase has had on others. We’ll be circling back every few months to tell you about what we’ve donated and how your purchase has helped those in need. This is also where we’ll let you know what organization we’ll be supporting next.
Interested in giving more?
You can donate directly to March of Dimes HERE.
Is there another charity you love?
Email info@pramglam.com and let us know about it! We have causes and organizations near and dear to our hearts … but we’d also love to hear about the charities near and dear to yours! Drop us a line telling us about your favorite organization, and we might select them as an upcoming partner!